Huge player shoots self spam filling our logs

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PHP код:
  if(hittype != BULLET_HIT_TYPE_NONE)//0.3.7 Aim Crash
fX <= -1000.0 || fX >= 1000.0) || (fY <= -1000.0 || fY >= 1000.0) || (fZ <= -1000.0 || fZ >= 1000.0) || ((hittype != BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER) && (hittype != BULLET_HIT_TYPE_VEHICLE) && (hittype != BULLET_HIT_TYPE_OBJECT) && (hittype != BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER_OBJECT)))
0//To desynchronize the shot and not to crash anyone
hittype != BULLET_HIT_TYPE_NONE//0.3.7 -  Bullet Crashing uses just this hittype
1000.0 <= fX <= 1000.0) || !(-1000.0 <= fY <= 1000.0) || !(-1000.0 <= fZ <= 1000.0)) // 0.3.7 Bullet Crash
0//To desynchronize the shot and not to crash anyone
PHP код:
public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playeridweaponidhittypehitidFloat:fXFloat:fYFloat:fZ
It is a bulletcrasher causing this most likely.

Messages In This Thread
Huge player shoots self spam filling our logs - by Battlezone - 08.10.2017, 17:57
Re: Huge player shoots self spam filling our logs - by Puff - 08.10.2017, 18:12
Re: Huge player shoots self spam filling our logs - by Battlezone - 08.10.2017, 18:18
Re: Huge player shoots self spam filling our logs - by Puff - 08.10.2017, 19:21
Re: Huge player shoots self spam filling our logs - by jlalt - 08.10.2017, 19:46
Re: Huge player shoots self spam filling our logs - by Battlezone - 08.10.2017, 19:49

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