Loading multiple rows with mysql question

I'm trying to create group system, where a player is able to create his own group.
When player tries to create group it should check if group name is not already taken so I figured that I should load data of all groups there are on OnGameModeInit and once player is trying to create his own group I would just run a for cycle to check if the name is taken

So let's say I want to load all these groups into "GroupInfo" on OnGameModeInit

enum Data
new GroupInfo[Amount_of_groups][Data];
How should I do that?
Im using mysql R39-6

Messages In This Thread
Loading multiple rows with mysql question - by ax1 - 08.10.2017, 17:26
Re: Loading multiple rows with mysql question - by Jstylezzz - 09.10.2017, 07:36
Re: Loading multiple rows with mysql question - by ax1 - 09.10.2017, 18:35
Re: Loading multiple rows with mysql question - by Konstantinos - 09.10.2017, 18:50
Re: Loading multiple rows with mysql question - by ax1 - 10.10.2017, 15:50
Re: Loading multiple rows with mysql question - by ax1 - 11.10.2017, 14:21
Re: Loading multiple rows with mysql question - by whadez - 11.10.2017, 14:24
Re: Loading multiple rows with mysql question - by Jstylezzz - 11.10.2017, 15:13

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