04.10.2017, 00:20
That's what you want to do, it's not done that way. I recommend reading tutorial and learning more. I'll help you just to see how it has to be done.
PS: This is a sample of how you have to do it, you would also have to save it for when the server is closed, the name of the leader is saved, and I have not compiled it if it gives you errors let me know.
PHP код:
#define MAX_FACC (4) // Number of factions
CMD:setleader(playerid, params[])
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 4)
new targetid, facid;
if(sscanf(params,"ui",targetid, facid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED,"/setleader [id][Faction id]");
if(targetid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
PlayerInfo[targetid][pFaction] = facid;
PlayerInfo[targetid][pFacrank] = 10;
PlayerInfo[targetid][pFacleader] = facid;
if(facid == 1)
SendClientMessage(targetid,COLOR_CYAN,"You have been made the leader of the Las Venturas PD");
GetPlayerName(targetid, Faction[0][fLeader], 25);
if(facid == 2)
SendClientMessage(targetid,COLOR_CYAN,"You have been made the leader of The Santino Family");
GetPlayerName(targetid, Faction[1][fLeader], 25);
if(facid == 3)
SendClientMessage(targetid,COLOR_CYAN,"You've been made the leader of The Manusco Crew");
GetPlayerName(targetid, Faction[2][fLeader], 25);
if(facid == 4)
SendClientMessage(targetid,COLOR_CYAN,"You've been made the leader of Back Alley Crips");
GetPlayerName(targetid, Faction[3][fLeader], 25);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "SERVER: Unknown command.");
return 1;
new string[1024];
format(string,sizeof(string),"*Las Venturas Police Department[ID1] || Leader: %s \n*The Santino Family[ID2] || Leader: %s \n*The Manusco Crew[ID3] || Leader: %s \n*Back Alley Crips[ID4] Leader: %s",Faction[0][fLeader],Faction[1][fLeader] , Faction[2][fLeader], Faction[3][fLeader]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,FACTIONS,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Server Factions:",string,"Ok","");
return 1;