Some Weird probelm.

Hello, all,

So I had something very unusually weird happen to some server I'm maintaining, It occurred 3 days ago, and I kept observing it since,

The player list on the client showed 4 static players one of them was called 'You_tube' (that's the only one I remember), 3 days had passed and those 4 players stayed marked on the player list, and when people try to join the server, it said that the server is full,

The problem, however, was simply solved by restarting the server(Not the gamemode), This kept me wondering what could be causing this.

Messages In This Thread
Some Weird probelm. - by Eoussama - 02.10.2017, 18:54
Re: Some Weird probelm. - by NaS - 04.10.2017, 12:29
Re: Some Weird probelm. - by TommyB - 05.10.2017, 03:15

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