What's happening with LS-RP? Comment.

Originally Posted by ShawShank
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Well, I am going to be quiet honest. I resigned from the SASD due to real life reasons. I was a Lieutenant and a long time member of the community. I how ever do not believe in this servers administration team. I lost faith in our administration team a long time ago. Ever since I joined the LSPD and over into the SASD, I would sit at Idlestack, across from the parking lot and pull people over that ran that intersection. I loved RPing a traffic officer. I would sit there day in and day out. I may drive around and patrol a bit, but ultimately I would find myself back in, "my sweet spot." I watched people be idiots there. I watched people start brawl after brawl after brawl. Cops would show up, pull out batons, aim guns. Guess what the brawlers would do? Yes, not RP fear, they would just rush the cops. You could /re, rarely ever get a response. If you got one, a admin would say on /ooc "stop being idiots at Stacks or you will face a AJail." They'd just do it again with no punishment. Now, I am speaking from the LEO side of things, I would suggest you all voice your opinions and your reasoning so hopefully things will change. What really made me upset was when we aimed our guns at a suspect or a civilian and they'd just stand there and /ame smirks and talk shit to the cops. Like, that's not RPing fear in the least. In my last few months on the server, I've seen better RP on habbo hotel.

I understand the admin mentality, I think I do anyway. You're thinking if we AJail or Ban players that are playing, it's killing the server. But if you do not enforce proper RP and keep the RP standard as to what it used to be, you are killing the server by running good players off. I watched the server get to a all time low the other night. I'd never seen the server population so low except after a crash. You remember those times? When we'd screenshot the server population to make it look like no one was on? I do. I remember those times. But now, you look at it and you frown. I am generally concerned and frankly upset with the LSRP admin team. I can't blame anyone but you. I say that with the utmost respect for your part in this community. I feel like if you enforced the rules things would get better. Players would slowly come back. But honestly? Sometimes, I felt like I was on NGG when coming on the server. I say that with respect as well. I'd also say another problem is the tutorial when you get on the server. Now, I've not created a new player in years and back when I was a tester, this was one of the main concerns. New players that come on the server are just not introduced to it properly. This leads to them not coming back. I remember when I first joined the server, I ran around a bit and then /q'd. About a week later, I did the same thing. Finally, I stuck around a bit to get my level up to get into the FD. But that was because I found friends OOCly that played as well from habbo. The rest is written in history.

As far as the server goes, I do think it's salvageable. But the admin team has to step up. There has to be real punishments given out for real reasons. I've seen cops get threatened to be AJailed for shooting suspects that hit us with bats at Idlestacks saying that we committed mass genocide. I've seen cops get threatened with AJails for shooting unarmed suspects because they attempted to run us over. On the other hand, I've seen cops get threatened with AJails for not RPing a suspect running them over with their vehicle when they used no RP what so ever to run the cop over. But I've seen multiple other scenarios where people in general would get ran over and when no RP was used, they had the choice to RP it or not.

Another thing on this server is DOC. Now, I'm getting into touchy waters. I've seen a select few in my time as a LEO RPer who actually wanted to go to prison. Most would rather shoot their way out of going to DOC or would attack a cop and hope they shoot them instead of tazer them. When you asked those suspects why they would rather die than go to prison, they would simply say, "No guards on duty, nothing to do. Not fun at all." Yeah, that's prison I'd guess you can say, it's not supposed to be fun. But you are on a RP server. You are on a game. You are supposed to enjoy it at all times, am I right? How many times have I came online to do /onduty and seen 0 DOC and 0 FD. I'll get to the FD later. Even the people in DOC do not enjoy it. Former DOC Faction Leadership attempted to change it, but was shot down by faction management at the time or rather just ignored. Regardless, there needs to be a revamp on DOC and their leadership. You need to make it a fun faction so that the members of that faction can make it a fun time for those in prison. Prisoners don't want to just RP with other prisoners, they want to RP with the guards as well.

FD, you know. I was part of FD. I really did enjoy my time being in the FD. To many times have we called for FD on departmental and got told to "standby" or "Apply BLS and self transport." But then you ride by ASGH and find two employees e-sexing in the back of the ambulance. Like what? Lol. Okay, that's only happened once or twice. But still, at the same time, you have to wonder why can this faction not keep it's numbers up? It's got the highest paychecks. Yet, hardly never on duty. I ain't got much bad to say about FD, I will say that they do try. But at the same time, it doesn't make sense to me why the numbers aren't always in full.

LEO RP and Firearm usage. Now, this right here is well..this is beyond me. Let me explain. Yeah, in real life and in game is totally different. You got to make the game just as enjoyable as it can be and fair. I understand. But let me be pretty honest with you. If there's two or three of you coming at me with a pistol, I am going to pull my assault rifle. I am first of all, out numbered. I got more than one person coming at me with a pistol and my life is in danger. I have personally been nearly AJailed for having a suspect in a bobcat driveby'd with a M4 because he was running over EVERYONE at stacks. He was endangering others by running them over, hitting EVERY person he seen. I even waited till we got to the northern side of Alhambra to have him shot. A admin immediately spawned in and nearly AJailed the person shooting him. I took the blame as the highest supervisor on scene and told them I told him to shoot. Regardless, the admin said, "You don't driveby someone that's not drivebying you." That's silly. Let me get on my megaphone and say, "Hey, can you stop the truck, stop running people over. Just stop and let me shoot you." Yeah, that works. It's silly. In real life, when there's a shooter or what-have-you, they have every cop on scene with a assault rifle walking around. It doesn't matter if they have a pistol, shotgun or a RPG. (Okay maybe not an RPG hehe)

You got gangsters riding around in Bullets, Cheetahs and Buffalos. I've already touched on this once, about the NON-RP fear, but that's my biggest issue with illegal RP'ers. I've seen so many cops /q or just avoid areas like Idlestacks, Crenshaw, Ganton, Jefferson and four one five. Why? Simply because if I got out of my car at Crenshaw, seen a black male standing there and aimed my gun at him for vandalizing the wall or something, he'd take off running. ONLY ONCE. ONCE, I have seen a guy RP me aiming my gun at him. AFTER ALL MY YEARS ON THIS SERVER. I couldn't believe it. Let me tell you the story. I was driving down Market Street coming up on Main. A male took the turn to fast from Main and turned onto Market westbound. He hit my Rancher and we RP'd the hit. (Fascinating already, he wants to RP a MVA) He RP'd running from the scene. I Rp'd climbing out of my rancher and I chased him from Market and Main all the way to El Corona. I finally got up close enough and typed a /me of me aiming my gun at him and yelled at him to stop. He immediately stopped, RP'd fear of me aiming a gun at him and surrendered. If there was one suspect I wish I could've let go, it would be him. Kudos to you my man. How ever, during the earthquake event, I seen gangsters sitting on top of the roof across from Idlestack screaming, "HIT ME, HIT ME, HIT ME!" What kind of shit is that? That's not RP, that's retardism.

Regardless, I have resigned from the SASD and LS-RP for now due to real life reasons. But when I heard about this thread, I figured I'd post on it. I don't expect any backlash for this post. I am posting this to try and help the server. If you don't diagnose the issue, you will never be able to cure it. I do wish to return in the future to the server if the issues have gotten better. If not, I won't.
Someone give a TLR; please

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What's happening with LS-RP? (UPDATED, 15/10/2017) - by giorgos - 21.09.2017, 15:31
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Meller - 21.09.2017, 15:33
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by giorgos - 21.09.2017, 15:34
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Meller - 21.09.2017, 15:39
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Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by giorgos - 21.09.2017, 15:46
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Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Diabloa - 05.12.2017, 09:34
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by cuber - 05.12.2017, 12:27
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Calgon - 05.12.2017, 12:33
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Diabloa - 05.12.2017, 16:08

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