Get Song Time

Originally Posted by Kaperstone
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SetTimer and call TextDrawHideForPlayer function in the callback (when it finishes)
I know these functions. I say is it possible SetTimer("hidetextdraws", SongTime, 0);
Getting song time and setting timer song time

Messages In This Thread
Get Song Time - by srvr07 - 30.09.2017, 18:25
Re: Get Song Time - by Kaperstone - 30.09.2017, 18:34
Re: Get Song Time - by srvr07 - 30.09.2017, 18:36
Re: Get Song Time - by AbyssMorgan - 30.09.2017, 18:41
Re: Get Song Time - by Kaperstone - 30.09.2017, 18:44
Re: Get Song Time - by jlalt - 30.09.2017, 19:00
Re: Get Song Time - by srvr07 - 03.10.2017, 14:08

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