Gradient Textdraw?

Originally Posted by NaS
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Those are lots of small textdraws next to each other (best use Sprites for precise squares).

The gradient can easily be calculated by taking Color 1 RGB values and Color 2 RBG values (ignore transparency) and then fade them from COLOR_1 to COLOR_2.

#define FADE_COLOR_1 0xFFFF00FF // Colors to fade
#define FADE_COLOR_2 0xFF00FFFF

#define MAX_FADE_DRAWS 10 // Number of TextDraws

// When creating:

new r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;

r1 = (FADE_COLOR_1 >> 24) & 255; // Get R,G,B from COLOR_1
g1 = (FADE_COLOR_1 >> 16) & 255;
b1 = (FADE_COLOR_1 >> 8) & 255;

r2 = (FADE_COLOR_2 >> 24) & 255; // Get R,G,B from COLOR_2
g2 = (FADE_COLOR_2 >> 16) & 255;
b2 = (FADE_COLOR_2 >> 8) & 255;

new delta_r = (r2 - r1) / MAX_FADE_DRAWS, // Delta R,G,B (for every step, this is the color that we add to COLOR_1)
	delta_g = (g2 - g1) / MAX_FADE_DRAWS,
	delta_b = (b2 - b1) / MAX_FADE_DRAWS;

for(new i = 0; i < MAX_FADE_DRAWS; i ++)
	new rgba = 0x000000FF + ((r1 + delta_r*i) * 256 * 256 * 256) + ((g1 + delta_g*i) * 256 * 256) + ((b1 + delta_b*i) * 256); // Calculate HEX Color (including Alpha!)

	new Text:FadeText = TextDrawCreate(640.0 / MAX_FADE_DRAWS * i, 400.0, "..."); // Make this a TextDraw Sprite and save the IDs in an Array to be able to show them later
	TextDrawColor(FadeText, rgba);
If you change the TextDraw to be a Sprite (LD_BUM:blkdot is nice for this) it should work.
Thanks. I will try and say it's work or not.

Messages In This Thread
Gradient Textdraw? - by srvr07 - 30.09.2017, 16:34
Re: Gradient Textdraw? - by NaS - 30.09.2017, 17:03
Re: Gradient Textdraw? - by srvr07 - 30.09.2017, 17:41
Re: Gradient Textdraw? - by srvr07 - 30.09.2017, 18:30
Re: Gradient Textdraw? - by NaS - 30.09.2017, 18:37

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