27.09.2017, 12:27
You have forgot the "\" after the first line. But this won't solve the problem because lines in PAWN can't have more than 512 characters even though you split them.
PHP код:
PHP код:
PHP код:
new str[200];
if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] == 0)
strcat(str, "Normal Player Commands: \n/rules, /cars, /guns, /teles, /dms, /lockcar, /unlockcar, /fix, /report, /topmoney");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 12, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Server Commands", str, "Close", "");
new str2[500];
if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] == 1)
strcat(str2, "Normal Player Commands: \n/rules, /cars, /guns, /teles, /dms, /lockcar, /unlockcar, /fix, /report, /topmoney");
strcat(str2, "\nAdmin Level 1 Commands: \nsetcolour, settime, setweather, eject, force , burn, asay, highlight, getid, warn, laston, adminarea, hide, unhide, weapslist, morning, reports, miniguns, botcheck, duel, saveskin, useskin, dontuseskin");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 13, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Server Commands", str2, "Close", "");
new str3[500];
if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] == 2)
strcat(str3, "Normal Player Commands: \n/rules, /cars, /guns, /teles, /dms, /lockcar, /unlockcar, /fix, /report, /topmoney");
strcat(str3, "\nAdmin Level 1 Commands: \nsetcolour, settime, setweather, eject, force , burn, asay, highlight, getid, warn, laston, adminarea, hide, unhide, weapslist, morning, reports, miniguns, botcheck, duel, saveskin, useskin, dontuseskin");
strcat(str3, "\nAdmin Level 2 Commands: \njailed, frozen, muted, mute, unmute, slap, akill");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 14, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Server Commands", str3, "Close", "");
PHP код:
if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] == 0)
strcat(str, "Normal Player Commands: \n/rules, /cars, /guns, /teles, /dms, /lockcar, /unlockcar, /fix, /report, /topmoney");
if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] == 1)
strcat(str, "Normal Player Commands: \n/rules, /cars, /guns, /teles, /dms, /lockcar, /unlockcar, /fix, /report, /topmoney");
strcat(str, "\nAdmin Level 1 Commands: \nsetcolour, settime, setweather, eject, force , burn, asay, highlight, getid, warn, laston, adminarea, hide, unhide, weapslist, morning, reports, miniguns, botcheck, duel, saveskin, useskin, dontuseskin");
if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] == 2)
strcat(str, "Normal Player Commands: \n/rules, /cars, /guns, /teles, /dms, /lockcar, /unlockcar, /fix, /report, /topmoney");
strcat(str, "\nAdmin Level 1 Commands: \nsetcolour, settime, setweather, eject, force , burn, asay, highlight, getid, warn, laston, adminarea, hide, unhide, weapslist, morning, reports, miniguns, botcheck, duel, saveskin, useskin, dontuseskin");
strcat(str, "\nAdmin Level 2 Commands: \njailed, frozen, muted, mute, unmute, slap, akill");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 12, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Server Commands", str, "Close", "");