26.09.2017, 13:25
Alright now with all of those stuffs setted up, I have no idea on how will I do the fade in/out effect but I have already setted up the function & the timer.
PHP Code:
stock ShowPlayerObjective(playerid, color, string[], time)
PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, player_Textdraw[playerid][0], string);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, player_Textdraw[playerid][0], color);
PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, player_Textdraw[playerid][0]);
PlayerInfo[playerid][ptdTimer] = SetTimerEx("TextdrawFadeOut", 100, true, "ddds", playerid, color, time, string);
return 1;
public TextdtawFadeOut(playerid, color, time, string[])
PlayerInfo[playerid][ptdCount] += 1000;