Host restarts after I join the table

Hey guys, recently something strange happened, my Poker/Roulette System was working fine on both my LOCAL server and my SERVER host, I literally didn't do any updates in that system or any other plugin/include/system that has anything common with this one.

Problem: I have a system on which poker/roulette tables are dynamic and you can join to them, but the thing is that whenever the player types /jointable and setups the game SERVER host keeps restarting, but when I tried the same thing on Local host everything works fine. Can any of you guys tell me what can be the problem because all I can think is that it's host's problem.

HOST is on Linux, my PC is on Windows.
p.s:can settimerex cause this kind of problem ?

Messages In This Thread
Host restarts after I join the table - by CoachCarter - 25.09.2017, 08:32
Re: Host restarts after I join the table - by jlalt - 25.09.2017, 08:34
Re: Host restarts after I join the table - by CoachCarter - 25.09.2017, 08:37
Re: Host restarts after I join the table - by Sew_Sumi - 25.09.2017, 08:44
Re: Host restarts after I join the table - by CoachCarter - 25.09.2017, 08:46
Re: Host restarts after I join the table - by CoachCarter - 25.09.2017, 08:56
Re: Host restarts after I join the table - by Mikro - 25.09.2017, 09:04
Re: Host restarts after I join the table - by Sew_Sumi - 25.09.2017, 09:11
Re: Host restarts after I join the table - by CoachCarter - 25.09.2017, 09:12
Re: Host restarts after I join the table - by CoachCarter - 25.09.2017, 09:17

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