[Tool/Web/Other] SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more

SA-MP Server Browser

Important Note to all people that have installed this app before 21.01.2018

I have made a small mistake and you might not be able to update to a newer version, if you want to assure that your version isn't broken, please reinstall the application.


This application offers a row of tools for the San Andreas-Multiplayer mod for the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas game.

  • Save your favourite servers
  • Access to a list of currently over 2000 servers
  • Version changer
  • Username history
  • Access to SA-MP Settings via graphical userinterface
  • Access to SA-MP chatlogs
  • Server history
  • MORE TO COME ...
    • Serverspecific usernames
    • Screenshot viewer
GitHub Page

The whole project is hosted on GitHub under the following link:



This software is currently available in the following languages (some might not be perfectly and completly translated):
  • English
  • German
  • Georgian (Translated by Medzvel)
  • Greek (Translated by vassilis)
  • Dutch (Translated by Jsytlez)
  • Russian (Translated by Codeah)
  • Polish (Translated by AbyssMorgan)
  • Romanian (Translated by IstuntmanI)
  • Spanish (Translated by Unrea1, updated by RIDE2DAY)
  • Turkish (Translated by MustafaKemalAtaturk)
  • Bosnian (Translated by Tagic)

There is a light and a dark theme, here are screenshots including both themes:


Overall, you have 3 options:
  1. Downloading the latest launcher.jar file

    The latest launcher.jar is available under https://github.com/Bios-Marcel/Serve...eleases/latest , but it will require you to have Java 8 or later installed, i strongly suggest installing Java 9, since future versions of this project will use Java 9.
  2. Downloading the latest Installer

    The latest installer is also available under https://github.com/Bios-Marcel/Serve...eleases/latest
    Unlike when using the launcher.jar file, the installer won't require you to download anything other than the installer himself.
  3. Build all the stuff yourself

    Incase you are paranoid and scared that i might have infected the files in the release section, feel free to build the project yourself.
    For further information on how to build the project, check the Build Secti## on below
  • Your client isn't able to fetch servers

    If your Client isn't able to fetch any servers anymore, the first thing you should do, is to try and download the latest version of the client.

    The second thing you might want to check, is your firewall. Make sure you haven't blocked the application itself.
  • Your client doesn't start anymore
    In case your client doesn't start anymore, the first thing you should do, is to try and download the latest version of the client.

    If downloading the latest version of the client doens't help, try removing your currently installed Java runtime, if you have never installed a Java runtime, deinstall the ServerBrowser using the default Windows uninstalling procedure. After deleting Java and/or the ServerBrowser reinstall it.

Javadoc is available under: https://bios-marcel.github.io/Server...w-summary.html

User Documentation (not complete) is available under: https://github.com/Bios-Marcel/ServerBrowser/wiki

You want to help?
You can help by reporting bugs, recommending new features or creating pull requests.

Another way for you to contribute, is to help localizing the application.

How to create a new language file

If you want to translate the program into another language, simply copy
and name it
. After having done the translation, send me the file or do a pull request on GitHub. Please be careful to not modify any of the key names, that means only edit whats behind a
. If possible try to escape all characters, since there is currently to UTF-8 support for language files.

To be localized

Note: Some of the follwing key-value pairs might already be correct, in that case i don't know it though.


errorFetchingServers=Couldn't fetch servers
fetchingServers=Fetching servers, please wait a moment.
enterFilterValue=Enter filter value
showTimestamps=Show times if available
locateGTAManually=Click here to enter your GTA path manually.
lastVisit=Last visit
visitWebsite=Visit Website
gtaNotFoundPrompt=Will be automatically detected if left empty
addToFavourites=Add to favourites
rememberLastView=Remember last view
inputMethodText=Input method text editing and language switching
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettingsAswell=Do you also, in addition to the application settings, want to reset the SA-MP settings?
cantFindGTA=Can't find GTA installation
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettings=Are you sure, that you want to reset the SA-MP settings?
customSampPath=Custom SA-MP Path
noFavouriteServers=You don't have any favourites.
directmode=Directmode (Fix chat text drawing problems)
activePlayers=Active players: {0}
showChatlogColors=Show colors
showChatlogColorsAsText=Show colors as text
copyIpAddressAndPort=Copy IP address and port
applyUsername=Apply username
removeUsernameSingular=Remove username
downloadingUpdate=Downloading update
restoreLegacySettingsToDefault=Restore SA-MP settings to default
removeUsernamePlural=Remove usernames
connectingToServer=Connecting to server
allowCachingSampVersions=Allow caching downloaded SA-MP versions
retrieving=Retrieving ...
connectToServer=Connect to server
removeFromFavourites=Remove from favourites
checkingForUpdates=Checking for updates
serverMightBeOfflineConnectAnyways=The server might not be online, do you want to try connecting to it anyways?
noServerHistory=You haven't joined any servers recently.
multicoreUsage=Multicore usage
openDonationPageTooltip=Opens the 'Donate' section of the GitHub project page
errorFetchingServers=Couldn't fetch servers
fetchingServers=Fetching servers, please wait a moment.
chatTimestamps=Chat Timestamps
enterFilterValue=Enter filter value
showTimestamps=Show times if available
locateGTAManually=Click here to enter your GTA path manually.
lastVisit=Last visit
visitWebsite=Visit Website
gtaNotFoundPrompt=Will be automatically detected if left empty
addToFavourites=Add to favourites
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettingsAswell=Do you also, in addition to the application settings, want to reset the SA-MP settings?
sampVersion=SA-MP Version {0}
cantFindGTA=Can't find GTA installation
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettings=Are you sure, that you want to reset the SA-MP settings?
noFavouriteServers=You don't have any favourites.
showChatlogColors=Show colors
showChatlogColorsAsText=Show colors as text
copyIpAddressAndPort=Copy IP address and port
applyUsername=Apply username
removeUsernameSingular=Remove username
downloadingUpdate=Downloading update
versionInfo=Version: {0}
restoreLegacySettingsToDefault=Restore SA-MP settings to default
removeUsernamePlural=Remove usernames
connectingToServer=Connecting to server
retrieving=Retrieving ...
connectToServer=Connect to server
servers=Servers: {0}
removeFromFavourites=Remove from favourites
checkingForUpdates=Checking for updates
serverMightBeOfflineConnectAnyways=The server might not be online, do you want to try connecting to it anyways?
noServerHistory=You haven't joined any servers recently.
openDonationPageTooltip=Opens the 'Donate' section of the GitHub project page
errorFetchingServers=Couldn't fetch servers
fetchingServers=Fetching servers, please wait a moment.
enterFilterValue=Enter filter value
showTimestamps=Show times if available
locateGTAManually=Click here to enter your GTA path manually.
lastVisit=Last visit
visitWebsite=Visit Website
addToFavourites=Add to favourites
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettingsAswell=Do you also, in addition to the application settings, want to reset the SA-MP settings?
cantFindGTA=Can't find GTA installation
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettings=Are you sure, that you want to reset the SA-MP settings?
noFavouriteServers=You don't have any favourites.
showChatlogColors=Show colors
showChatlogColorsAsText=Show colors as text
copyIpAddressAndPort=Copy IP address and port
applyUsername=Apply username
removeUsernameSingular=Remove username
downloadingUpdate=Downloading update
restoreLegacySettingsToDefault=Restore SA-MP settings to default
removeUsernamePlural=Remove usernames
connectingToServer=Connecting to server
retrieving=Retrieving ...
connectToServer=Connect to server
servers=Servers: {0}
removeFromFavourites=Remove from favourites
checkingForUpdates=Checking for updates
serverMightBeOfflineConnectAnyways=The server might not be online, do you want to try connecting to it anyways?
noServerHistory=You haven't joined any servers recently.
serverOffline=Server is offline.
openDonationPageTooltip=Opens the 'Donate' section of the GitHub project page
errorFetchingServers=Couldn't fetch servers
enterFilterValue=Enter filter value
showTimestamps=Show times if available
locateGTAManually=Click here to enter your GTA path manually.
lastVisit=Last visit
visitWebsite=Visit Website
addToFavourites=Add to favourites
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettingsAswell=Do you also, in addition to the application settings, want to reset the SA-MP settings?
cantFindGTA=Can't find GTA installation
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettings=Are you sure, that you want to reset the SA-MP settings?
noFavouriteServers=You don't have any favourites.
showChatlogColors=Show colors
showChatlogColorsAsText=Show colors as text
copyIpAddressAndPort=Copy IP address and port
applyUsername=Apply username
removeUsernameSingular=Remove username
downloadingUpdate=Downloading update
restoreLegacySettingsToDefault=Restore SA-MP settings to default
removeUsernamePlural=Remove usernames
connectingToServer=Connecting to server
retrieving=Retrieving ...
connectToServer=Connect to server
removeFromFavourites=Remove from favourites
checkingForUpdates=Checking for updates
serverMightBeOfflineConnectAnyways=The server might not be online, do you want to try connecting to it anyways?
noServerHistory=You haven't joined any servers recently.
openDonationPageTooltip=Opens the 'Donate' section of the GitHub project page
enterFilterValue=Enter filter value
showTimestamps=Show times if available
lastVisit=Last visit
visitWebsite=Visit Website
addToFavourites=Add to favourites
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettingsAswell=Do you also, in addition to the application settings, want to reset the SA-MP settings?
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettings=Are you sure, that you want to reset the SA-MP settings?
showChatlogColors=Show colors
showChatlogColorsAsText=Show colors as text
copyIpAddressAndPort=Copy IP address and port
applyUsername=Apply username
removeUsernameSingular=Remove username
downloadingUpdate=Downloading update
restoreLegacySettingsToDefault=Restore SA-MP settings to default
removeUsernamePlural=Remove usernames
connectToServer=Connect to server
removeFromFavourites=Remove from favourites
checkingForUpdates=Checking for updates
lastVisit=Last visit
visitWebsite=Visit Website
addToFavourites=Add to favourites
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettingsAswell=Do you also, in addition to the application settings, want to reset the SA-MP settings?
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettings=Are you sure, that you want to reset the SA-MP settings?
showChatlogColorsAsText=Show colors as text
copyIpAddressAndPort=Copy IP address and port
restoreLegacySettingsToDefault=Restore SA-MP settings to default
connectToServer=Connect to server
removeFromFavourites=Remove from favourites
enterFilterValue=Enter filter value
showTimestamps=Show times if available
lastVisit=Last visit
visitWebsite=Visit Website
addToFavourites=Add to favourites
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettingsAswell=Do you also, in addition to the application settings, want to reset the SA-MP settings?
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettings=Are you sure, that you want to reset the SA-MP settings?
noFavouriteServers=You don't have any favourites.
showChatlogColors=Show colors
showChatlogColorsAsText=Show colors as text
copyIpAddressAndPort=Copy IP address and port
applyUsername=Apply username
removeUsernameSingular=Remove username
downloadingUpdate=Downloading update
restoreLegacySettingsToDefault=Restore SA-MP settings to default
removeUsernamePlural=Remove usernames
connectingToServer=Connecting to server
connectToServer=Connect to server
removeFromFavourites=Remove from favourites
checkingForUpdates=Checking for updates
serverMightBeOfflineConnectAnyways=The server might not be online, do you want to try connecting to it anyways?
noServerHistory=You haven't joined any servers recently.
enterFilterValue=Enter filter value
showTimestamps=Show times if available
lastVisit=Last visit
visitWebsite=Visit Website
addToFavourites=Add to favourites
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettingsAswell=Do you also, in addition to the application settings, want to reset the SA-MP settings?
sureYouWantToRestoreLegacySettings=Are you sure, that you want to reset the SA-MP settings?
fpsLimit=FPS Limit
showChatlogColors=Show colors
showChatlogColorsAsText=Show colors as text
copyIpAddressAndPort=Copy IP address and port
applyUsername=Apply username
removeUsernameSingular=Remove username
downloadingUpdate=Downloading update
restoreLegacySettingsToDefault=Restore SA-MP settings to default
removeUsernamePlural=Remove usernames
retrieving=Retrieving ...
connectToServer=Connect to server
removeFromFavourites=Remove from favourites
checkingForUpdates=Checking for updates
visitWebsite=Visit Website
addToFavourites=Add to favourites
fpsLimit=FPS Limit
showChatlogColorsAsText=Show colors as text
copyIpAddressAndPort=Copy IP address and port
connectToServer=Connect to server
removeFromFavourites=Remove from favourites

This project is managed using gradle.

It is a multi-project consisting of 1 subproject

ServerBrowser			The parent project
|__ client				The Windows GUI client with which humans interact
The fact, that this is a multi-project is due to two components that don't exist anymore, this will soon be refactored.

Building with gradle
To see which tasks are available, run:

on Unix:

$ ./gradlew tasks
on Windows:

$ ./gradlew.bat tasks
The first time you execute __gradlew__ (gradle wrapper) it will download a local copy of gradle into the project folder __.gradle__. This will not be committed to version control.

You are of course free to use your own or systems copy of gradle, but this approach has the advantage that we all share the same version of gradle.

Running tasks on subprojects
To run tasks on the subprojects, you can either __cd__ into the subproject and run the task, e.g.:

$ cd client
$ ../gradlew run
Or run it from the parent project by prefixing the task with the subprojects name and a ":" (colon).

$ ./gradlew client:run
Assemble and test the build outputs. You will find the results in the __build__ folder of __client__.

$ ./gradlew build
Syncing gradle with Eclipse
Typically, when you import a gradle project into eclipse, it takes care of creating the eclipse project files via the plugin buildship.

However, if you want to be extra sure, donґt want to use the plugin or need to fix some synchronization issue between eclipse and gradle; It is useful to know how to manually do it:

From the parent project run:

$ ./gradlew eclipseClean eclipse
Eclipse will instantly reload the fresh project settings files.

__ServerBrowser__ utilizes advanced build techniques in order to assemble and optimize the output. The goal is to build the smallest possible 'self-contained' executable for Windows for the client.

__self-contained__ in this context means the JVM is bundled with the output.

In order to achieve this the following 2 step process is used:

1. Put all build outputs into a single JAR (fat JAR), including (transitive) dependencies.
2. Bundle the optimized JAR with a JVM and build a native container around them (exe/deb).

These steps map to these tools:

1. Gradle Shadow Plugin
2. javapackager + JavaFX-Gradle-Plugin

Our build scripts are largely glue around those tools.

Building the native output
$ ./gradlew jfxNative
This will generate an installable artifact in client/build/jfx/native. Depending on which platform you are building from, an EXE is generated on Windows, DEB/RPM on Linux and PKG/DMG on OSX.

We support Windows and Linux and in order to be able to generate an installer, some dependencies need to be installed.

- Inno Setup 5 or later

Linux (rpm)
- RPMBuild

Linux (deb)
- Debian packaging tools


The underlying technology for building native installer bundles is javapackager.
Learn more about it here:

- https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/doc...packaging.html
- https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/doc...apackager.html
- https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/doc...apackager.html

Realising a signed build
Our builds are cryptographically signed. In order to build with signing enabled you need to setup 2 things.
  1. A local.properties file:

    localSecretKeystorePassword = "choose super secret pw"
    localSecretKeyPassword = "choose super secret pw yet again!"
  2. Once you have your passwords setup, these can automatically generated for you with:

    $ ./gradlew jfxGenerateKeyStore
    None of these files should __ever__ be commited to version control !
You need help?
Send me an E-Mail or send me a pm.

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BiosMarcel - 24.09.2017, 03:00
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by Toroi - 24.09.2017, 03:22
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by J0sh... - 24.09.2017, 03:25
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BiosMarcel - 24.09.2017, 03:26
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by J0sh... - 24.09.2017, 03:28
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BigETI - 24.09.2017, 03:28
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BiosMarcel - 24.09.2017, 03:29
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by J0sh... - 24.09.2017, 03:30
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BiosMarcel - 24.09.2017, 03:32
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BigETI - 24.09.2017, 03:34
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by J0sh... - 24.09.2017, 03:37
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by Kaperstone - 24.09.2017, 05:06
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by J0sh... - 24.09.2017, 05:07
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by Kaperstone - 24.09.2017, 05:15
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BiosMarcel - 24.09.2017, 10:47
Cool, keep up the good work. - by X337 - 24.09.2017, 11:44
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by Crystallize - 24.09.2017, 12:21
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BiosMarcel - 24.09.2017, 12:22
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by Jayse - 24.09.2017, 12:25
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by Crystallize - 24.09.2017, 14:46
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by Xeon™ - 24.09.2017, 14:52
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by Crystallize - 24.09.2017, 14:55
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by Xeon™ - 24.09.2017, 14:55
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BiosMarcel - 01.10.2017, 10:40
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by SyS - 01.10.2017, 11:35
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by rfr - 21.01.2018, 15:50
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by f0Re3t - 21.01.2018, 16:18
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BiosMarcel - 21.01.2018, 16:21
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by edyun - 24.01.2018, 07:06
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BiosMarcel - 26.01.2018, 16:07
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by Chaprnks - 20.04.2018, 01:47
Re: SA-MP Version Changer, Server Browser and more - by BiosMarcel - 20.04.2018, 12:05

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