Respawning player on death

Hello, I'm facing issue in my custom damage system that when I respawn dead player from plane crash explosion, player position on spawn is not set to hospital coords (hes still in air near plane, but onplayerspawn is getting called correctly, just position doesnt seem to be updating).

I use SetSpawnInfo and SpawnPlayer inside OnPlayerDeath to skip Class Selection and proceed to OnPlayerSpawn.

Messages In This Thread
Respawning player on death - by Riwerry - 24.09.2017, 00:41
Re: Respawning player on death - by Sew_Sumi - 24.09.2017, 01:26
Re: Respawning player on death - by Riwerry - 24.09.2017, 09:17
Re: Respawning player on death - by Sew_Sumi - 24.09.2017, 11:29

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