Originally Posted by BreakStore
You must use 3 zeros after your number 5.
PHP код:
forward kick(playerid, reason[]);
public kick(playerid, reason[])
new kickreason[512];
format(kickreason, sizeof(kickreason), ""#COL_WHITE"You've been "#COL_RED"kicked "#COL_WHITE"from the server.\n"#COL_WHITE"Reason: "#COL_YELLOW"%s", reason);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dKickMessage, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""#COL_RED"Notification", kickreason, "Close", "");
kickt = SetTimerEx("ki", 5000, false, "d", playerid);
return 1;
forward ki(playerid);
public ki(playerid)
return 1;
Try and say me that it's the good solution.
No, it doesn't fix it. It just kicks me in 5 seconds and the server crashes.