What's happening with LS-RP? Comment.

Originally Posted by Damian
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To give you a full idea, from my point of view of course, on the entire fiasco- I actually did go fully inactive around 2014-2015. My last major revision before that was the Vehicle Revision- which consisted of a vehicle system revamp, threading the SQL interactions, and such. A grueling process but had to be done in order for the server to ever see an optimized future. Mind you that revision was finished in 2013. Around that time I had just came out the closet, had finally joined the workforce and for once finally doing more with my life, I also had krisk around to keep the balance of development- his faction overhaul, the vehicle revision, and our edits kept the community satisfied.

2014 is when the initial inactivity started on my behalf as the reasons stated above but things were still going smoothly with Collins and krisk to my side. Sadly the krisk disgusting fiasco happened and the community took a real hit with that. With the only person I had on my side gone 2015 was really left to Mmartin to really take the helm of things. But sadly development doesn't work that way, especially when you're not pushing anything out.

Development is more than just updates. You have to understand your community in and out; not everything you make will be flashy and cool. Some of it will not be received well at all or boring as hell- but in the longrun it's what is healthiest for your product. There are also even moments where there will be a drought of updates, because sometimes your attention is required elsewhere for growth. Sometimes too many updates can spoil a community and distract them from the original point of the product.

The server actually stalled in growth during 2015- not many people realized that. 600 was awesome yes, but with the vehicle revision and so on we had plans for 750 or more, so still being at 600 is not really all that great. Plus you have to take in account many roleplay servers were closing down or dying and their base were moving towards LS-RP, which kept our numbers inflated at the time.

I came back fully around the midsection of 2015 to finish the establishment revision- a series of re-wrtires, updates, and additions. With my absence of basically a year it was a lot of work to do- and I didn't really come off as the nicest of persons most of the times. I yelled at a lot of people and I put so many people in awkward positions; not because I was angry at them but the situation the server was in. The server so many people poured so much hard work into was bleeding.

To the people asking my removal it's still the same thing I wrote here. Nothing else more to it. I could've written more but it's unhealthy to persuade people to dislike someone else because you don't. The people involved know the truth and that was enough for me.

I only wrote all that because I don't want to be seen under such a favorable light. I was basically gone from my community for about a year and it suffered due to it. I'm not proud of myself but honestly if I had the choice to do it all again I would, because I had to come first for once in my life.

In terms of the server, it was bleeding during my absence and definitely took a nose-dive after their decisions. It's not due to DamianC being gone that it's dying, it's purely due to the fact of who is in charge of it. Think about it, if the leadership is ran by immoral people just imagine the morals of the people that follow them and are in charge under them. Imagine the morals of the people that support them and impact the social image of the server. Thus you get the madhouse it is today.

It's honestly very bittersweet. I really thought I'd enjoy seeing it fall but when you remind yourself of all the work and contribution throughout the years to get it there it's really depressing. But who knows with their death means there's a chance for many other roleplay servers out there, which is pretty awesome. LS-RP was born through Godfather's death, remember that.

In terms of ME though! I am doing just fine, I actually just got back from Los Angeles! I'm enjoying my life, and yes I do miss being around the SA-MP community from time to time. I also do hope to do something again one day when I can get more settled. Before I was just too rattled from the LS-RP, and now I know in order for me to make something I need to be clear of head completely and doing it for myself and not to challenge something else- especially in their current state.
Great to hear from you again. I'm Danny, on the LSRP forum. If you remember me, you'll remember the ban appeal I went through with you.

The work you've put into LS:RP will never be forgotten by us who played it. It's sad to see it go down, but you'd not expect anything else.

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What's happening with LS-RP? (UPDATED, 15/10/2017) - by giorgos - 21.09.2017, 15:31
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Meller - 21.09.2017, 15:33
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by giorgos - 21.09.2017, 15:34
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Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Famalamalam - 26.10.2017, 22:11
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 26.10.2017, 22:32
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Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Famalamalam - 27.10.2017, 12:42
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Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Famalamalam - 27.10.2017, 13:02
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Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Minst - 05.11.2017, 22:00
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Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Diabloa - 05.12.2017, 09:34
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by cuber - 05.12.2017, 12:27
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Calgon - 05.12.2017, 12:33
Re: What's happening with LS-RP? Comment. - by Diabloa - 05.12.2017, 16:08

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