21.09.2017, 05:35
Последний раз редактировалось Toroi; 21.09.2017 в 19:00.
What else do you need? You're using all the functions you need already.
Add a SendClientMessage to each one of the ids (playerid and id) with the respective message on it.
Also, for the records: INVALID_PLAYER_ID is translated to 65535 or some number like that after compiling. That means you're checking if id equals to 65535, dumb, right? Use IsPlayerConnected(id) instead. (False statement as pointed in Logic_'s totally friendly reply)
Add a SendClientMessage to each one of the ids (playerid and id) with the respective message on it.
Also, for the records: INVALID_PLAYER_ID is translated to 65535 or some number like that after compiling. That means you're checking if id equals to 65535, dumb, right? Use IsPlayerConnected(id) instead. (False statement as pointed in Logic_'s totally friendly reply)