Update players money when they get it..?

Originally Posted by RaFsTar
Originally Posted by [B
That doesn't help at all, that has stuff I don't even need, looks like you just coppied and pasted from somewhere :S
Sure, from my saving system.

Dude you just need to change it as u need, then use SaveData(playerid); when player data changes.

I'm new to codeing, I dont know how to do this kind of stuff. Hence why I asked for help.

Messages In This Thread
Update players money when they get it..? - by _Vortex - 07.09.2009, 00:44
Re: Update players money when they get it..? - by RaFsTar - 07.09.2009, 00:45
Re: Update players money when they get it..? - by _Vortex - 07.09.2009, 00:48
Re: Update players money when they get it..? - by RaFsTar - 07.09.2009, 00:50
Re: Update players money when they get it..? - by _Vortex - 07.09.2009, 01:02
Re: Update players money when they get it..? - by RaFsTar - 07.09.2009, 01:09
Re: Update players money when they get it..? - by snoob - 07.09.2009, 02:04

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