dialog log server ?

Are you sure about that? Enum specifiers are constants, not variables. They also have the added benefit that an ID is never used twice and that you can reorder the specifiers without having to change the IDs manually. And even if you had 5000 specifiers you'd be looking at a mere 20 kilobytes. Wow, so much memory! /s

Messages In This Thread
dialog log server ? - by skiplovebra - 12.09.2017, 05:59
Re: dialog log server ? - by Zeth - 12.09.2017, 06:20
Re: dialog log server ? - by Eoussama - 12.09.2017, 08:26
Re: dialog log server ? - by Vince - 12.09.2017, 10:01
Re: dialog log server ? - by JasonRiggs - 12.09.2017, 10:34
Re: dialog log server ? - by NaS - 12.09.2017, 11:28

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