How much costs a script from scratch?

Someone was talking with me from few days, he was looking for a Unquie gamemode (RP) and he want to pay me 320$, as soon as i don't have this script + I don't have time so i refused, but i was in need of this money * fucking my life*
Back to thread: I mean few people these days only can pay for unquie script, then will run it on paid gameserver with paid hosted tab so they will success.

Messages In This Thread
How much costs a script from scratch? - by Escobabe - 11.09.2017, 13:37
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Immortal99 - 11.09.2017, 13:48
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by cuber - 11.09.2017, 13:52
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Vince - 11.09.2017, 13:59
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Meller - 11.09.2017, 14:05
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Escobabe - 11.09.2017, 14:11
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Infinity - 11.09.2017, 14:13
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Logic_ - 11.09.2017, 17:34
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by KingHual - 11.09.2017, 17:35
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Escobabe - 11.09.2017, 17:59
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by MrViolence101 - 11.09.2017, 18:28
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Eoussama - 11.09.2017, 18:43
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Paulice - 11.09.2017, 18:55
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Eoussama - 11.09.2017, 19:04
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Arthur Kane - 11.09.2017, 19:08
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Escobabe - 11.09.2017, 19:51
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Paulice - 12.09.2017, 00:45
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Ultraz - 12.09.2017, 07:02
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Paulice - 12.09.2017, 07:21
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Eoussama - 12.09.2017, 08:23
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by KyleSmith - 12.09.2017, 09:25
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Escobabe - 12.09.2017, 11:52
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by Mattaffix - 12.09.2017, 12:45
Re: How much costs a script from scratch? - by X337 - 12.09.2017, 13:42

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