11.09.2017, 09:13
The same as vince showed you,
I'm not going to pretend Like I understand how every line works, if you're like me and don't want to bother working with #emit, use this include https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=362764 , It has lots of useful function, to work with strings, you'll filnd a function sprintf It does what you're looking for.
PHP код:
stock sprintf(const fmat[], {Float, _}:...) {
static output[STRLIB_RETURN_SIZE], frm_header[3], heap;
const output_size = sizeof(output);
if (ispacked(fmat)) {
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(0);
} else {
heap = 0;
// Store current frame header
#emit LCTRL 5
#emit CONST.alt frm_header
#emit MOVS 12
// Change the stack pointer to FRM + 12
#emit ADD.C 12 // pri is FRM (see above)
#emit SCTRL 4
// Push sizeof(output)
#emit PUSH.C output_size
// Push output
#emit PUSH.C output
// Push the argument count
#emit LOAD.S.pri 8
#emit ADD.C 8
#emit PUSH.pri
const formatex = 0; // Dummy used to avoid "unknown symbol" error
goto do_sysreq;
// Call formatex (unless this was skipped above)
#emit LCTRL 6
#emit ADD.C 36
#emit PUSH.pri
#emit CONST.pri formatex
#emit SCTRL 6
// Call format (unless formatex was called, in which case this is skipped)
#emit SYSREQ.C format
// Restore the stack pointer to FRM
#emit LCTRL 5
#emit SCTRL 4
// Copy back the frame header
#emit MOVE.alt
#emit CONST.pri frm_header
#emit MOVS 12
// Restore heap if needed
if (heap) {
// IMPORTANT: Fix compiler bug (returning strings in variadic functions)
#emit LOAD.S.pri 8
#emit ADD.C 12
#emit MOVE.alt
#emit LCTRL 5
#emit ADD
#emit LOAD.I
#emit STOR.S.pri 20 // 16 + (static_args * 4)
return output;
// It is actually used, just not by its symbol name
#pragma unused fmat