Quit This in the script

Hi, I would like to remove the maxadmin level function in my irc mute and unmute commands
this :
if((AccInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) ) {
i want remove it from cmd who can help?
IRCCMD:mute(botid, channel[], user[], host[], params[]) { 
// Check if the user is at least a halfop in the channel
	if (IRC_IsHalfop(botid, channel, user))
		new playerid, reason[64];
		// If the user did enter a player ID, then the command will not be processed
		if (sscanf(params, "dz", playerid, reason))
			return 1;
		// If the player is not connected, then nothing will be done
		if (IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && playerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
			new string[128], playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
			// If no reason is given, then "No reason" will be stated
			if (isnull(reason))
				format(reason, sizeof(reason), "No reason");
		 	if((AccInfo[playerid][Level] != Info[MaxAdminLevel]) ) {
		 	    if(AccInfo[playerid][Muted] == 0) {
					GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername));
					PlayerPlaySound(playerid,1057,0.0,0.0,0.0);  AccInfo[playerid][Muted] = 1; AccInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings] = 0;
					format(string,sizeof(string),"You have been muted by IRC Administrator %s [reason: %s]",user,reason); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string);
					format(string,sizeof(string),"2You have muted %s [reason: %s]", playername,reason); return IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, string);
				} else return IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, "4Player is already muted");
			} else return IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, "4ERROR: Player is the highest level admin");
		} else return IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, "4ERROR: Player is not connected");
	} else return IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, "4ERROR: You must be channel half operator to use this commands");

IRCCMD:unmute(botid, channel[], user[], host[], params[]) {
// Check if the user is at least a halfop in the channel
	if (IRC_IsHalfop(botid, channel, user))
		new playerid, playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],string[128];
		// If the user did enter a player ID, then the command will not be processed
		if (sscanf(params, "d", playerid))
			return 1;
		// If the player is not connected, then nothing will be done
		if (IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && playerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
		 	if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] != Info[MaxAdminLevel]) {
		 	    if(AccInfo[playerid][Muted] == 1) {
					PlayerName2(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername));
					PlayerPlaySound(playerid,1057,0.0,0.0,0.0);  AccInfo[playerid][Muted] = 0; AccInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings] = 0;
					format(string,sizeof(string),"You have been unmuted by IRC Administrator %s",user); Inter_SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string);
					format(string,sizeof(string),"2You have unmuted %s", playername); return IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, string);
				} else return IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, "2Player is not muted");
			} else return IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, "4ERROR: Player is the highest level admin");
		} else return IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, "4ERROR: Player is not connected");
	} else return IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, "4ERROR: You must be channel half operator to use this command");

Messages In This Thread
Quit This in the script - by NitroZeth - 07.09.2017, 19:55
Re: Quit This in the script - by MP2 - 08.09.2017, 00:39

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