07.09.2017, 17:23
I think this:
Should be:
Because: First means: "If tmpcar is a not cop car and not an ambulance and not a ng car..."
Second: "If tmpcar is not a cop car or an ambulance or a ng car..."
PS: Use YCMD / PawnCMD because they are faster at commands. Also use sscanf plugin by ****** because it works veryy very good with them.
PHP код:
if(!IsACopCar(tmpcar) && !IsAnAmbulance(tmpcar) && !IsANGCar(tmpcar))
PHP код:
if(!IsACopCar(tmpcar) || !IsAnAmbulance(tmpcar) || !IsANGCar(tmpcar))
Second: "If tmpcar is not a cop car or an ambulance or a ng car..."
PS: Use YCMD / PawnCMD because they are faster at commands. Also use sscanf plugin by ****** because it works veryy very good with them.