strmid writing to wrong varible

Fixed it by doing this:

RandomString(SafeData[playerid][eSalt], ACCOUNT_MAX_SALT_SIZE - 1);
So if anyone else is using this function be aware that it's kinda bugged.

@Vince, @Misiur, thanks for your help.

Messages In This Thread
strmid writing to wrong varible - by wallee - 06.09.2017, 05:10
Re: strmid writing to wrong varible - by nG Inverse - 06.09.2017, 05:43
Re: strmid writing to wrong varible - by wallee - 06.09.2017, 07:13
Re: strmid writing to wrong varible - by Vince - 06.09.2017, 08:25
Re: strmid writing to wrong varible - by Misiur - 06.09.2017, 08:32
Re: strmid writing to wrong varible - by wallee - 06.09.2017, 20:13
Re: strmid writing to wrong varible - by wallee - 07.09.2017, 02:31
Re: strmid writing to wrong varible - by Paulice - 07.09.2017, 04:17
Re: strmid writing to wrong varible - by wallee - 07.09.2017, 19:21

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