Edit object problem..

public wallTagEdit(playerid) {
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "MovingTag", 1);
	return 1;
public wallTagDelete(playerid) {
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "MovingTag", 2);
	return 1;
walltagsOnPlayerEditObject(playerid, objectid, response, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz) {
	query[0] = 0;//[128];
	if(response != EDIT_RESPONSE_FINAL) {
		return 0;
	new sqlid = findWallTagSQLIDByObjID(objectid);
	new index = findWallTagByObjID(objectid);
	if(index != -1) {
		WallTagInfo[index][pWallTagX] = x;
		WallTagInfo[index][pWallTagY] = y;
		WallTagInfo[index][pWallTagZ] = z;
		WallTagInfo[index][pWallTagRotX] = rx;
		WallTagInfo[index][pWallTagRotY] = ry;
		WallTagInfo[index][pWallTagRotZ] = rz;
		SendClientMessage(playerid, X11_TOMATO_2, "Tag position saved!");
		format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `walltags` SET `X` = %f, `Y` = %f, `Z` = %f, `rotx` = %f, `roty` = %f, `rotz` = %f WHERE `id` = %d",x,y,z,rx,ry,rz,sqlid);
		SetDynamicObjectPos(objectid, x, y, z);
		SetDynamicObjectRot(objectid, rx, ry, rz);
		mysql_function_query(g_mysql_handle, query, true, "EmptyCallback","");
	return 1;
Can't edit any object this is example of a walltag code only.. you just cant move to edit any objct in server..idk whats the problem help me please. and those objects doesn't save in mysql aswell... and the other toys doesn't save their position on car aswell...

Messages In This Thread
Edit object problem.. - by Puff - 05.09.2017, 09:03
Re: Edit object problem.. - by Kane - 05.09.2017, 09:07
Re: Edit object problem.. - by Puff - 05.09.2017, 09:13
Re: Edit object problem.. - by Kane - 05.09.2017, 09:14
Re: Edit object problem.. - by Puff - 05.09.2017, 09:19
Re: Edit object problem.. - by JasonRiggs - 05.09.2017, 09:25
Re: Edit object problem.. - by Puff - 05.09.2017, 09:28
Re: Edit object problem.. - by Puff - 05.09.2017, 09:37

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