Error with MYSQL and Toys

You need to escape strings (anything which isn't an integer (which is a number, such as 1, or 394832 for which you use %d) or a floating point variable (such as 180.0000 for which you use %f)). So, in your code, only the Name (Nombre) is a string, because a name is a string of text like Dello, or Luke_James.

Messages In This Thread
Error with MYSQL and Toys - by Dello - 04.09.2017, 22:25
Re: Error with MYSQL and Toys - by Meller - 04.09.2017, 22:29
Respuesta: Error with MYSQL and Toys - by Dello - 05.09.2017, 00:02
Re: Error with MYSQL and Toys - by Luke_James - 05.09.2017, 00:09
Respuesta: Error with MYSQL and Toys - by Dello - 05.09.2017, 00:50
Re: Error with MYSQL and Toys - by Luke_James - 05.09.2017, 01:01
Re: Error with MYSQL and Toys - by Jefff - 05.09.2017, 01:05
Respuesta: Error with MYSQL and Toys - by Dello - 05.09.2017, 01:12
Respuesta: Re: Error with MYSQL and Toys - by Dello - 05.09.2017, 01:15
Re: Error with MYSQL and Toys - by Luke_James - 05.09.2017, 01:17

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