MySQL Doesnt Add Table

Hi, I Have a VPS which I've used it as SA:MP Server Since Today. I was testing the connection between the mysql server and the SA:MP Server. The Problem is The Server doesnt add Table.

I correctly typed the Host,User Name ,Etc to fill the mysql_connect function. I even tried localhost( and The External IP as the host but no sign of working at all. Unfortunately, Both Mysql Error.log and Warning.log are empty and The Plugin seems to be loaded correctly. I've Restarted the Mysql Server for a bunch of times also Downgrade the Plugin Version into R41-2

Mysql Plugin Version : pBlueG's Mysql R41-3
Mysql Server Version : 5.7.19-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
OS : Ubuntu 16.04.1 x86

#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>

new MySQL:connection;

public OnGameModeInit()
	new query[50];
	connection = mysql_connect(Host,User,Pass,Data);
	mysql_format(connection,query,sizeof(query),"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `PlayerData`(`ID` INT(10) KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT)");
	return 0;

public OnGameModeExit()
	return 0;

Messages In This Thread
MySQL Doesnt Add Table - by nrg700 - 29.08.2017, 13:46
Re: [MYSQL] MySQL Doesnt Add Table - by WarZ - 29.08.2017, 15:15
Re: MySQL Doesnt Add Table - by nrg700 - 29.08.2017, 15:45

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