Shooting NPCґs?


one question, can you make NPCґs actually like aim-bots so they aim at players and fire at them? ^^ Would be cool

Messages In This Thread
Shooting NPCґs? - by Striker_Moe - 06.09.2009, 07:09
Re: Shooting NPCґs? - by JaTochNietDan - 06.09.2009, 07:11
Re: Shooting NPCґs? - by [LF]Mr.Lucci - 19.09.2009, 06:17
Re: Shooting NPCґs? - by V1ceC1ty - 19.09.2009, 06:23
Re: Shooting NPCґs? - by RobertGraham - 19.09.2009, 06:33

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