SQL Error?

Originally Posted by adamslj
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The car plate in game is displaying the carPlate SQL column, with the strange characters
Does this also happen when you call that code from IG, while you create a new car?
If so, i'm starting to think that this is what it generates, you can try printing the "result" of the random part in the console, and see what it outputs, to see if it even generates a correct plate number

Messages In This Thread
SQL Error? - by adamslj - 25.08.2017, 15:00
Re: SQL Error? - by Vince - 25.08.2017, 15:27
Re: SQL Error? - by adamslj - 25.08.2017, 15:46
Re: SQL Error? - by adamslj - 25.08.2017, 16:06
Re: SQL Error? - by thegamer355 - 25.08.2017, 16:52
Re: SQL Error? - by adamslj - 25.08.2017, 17:31
Re: SQL Error? - by adamslj - 25.08.2017, 18:25
Re: SQL Error? - by Vince - 25.08.2017, 18:32
Re: SQL Error? - by thegamer355 - 25.08.2017, 18:39
Re: SQL Error? - by adamslj - 25.08.2017, 19:20

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