How to Roleplay(For new people)

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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Due to the way that we must RP in SA:MP (using commands), you have to give someone a chance to /me ducks if you /me throws a punch directly towards John's nose
This exact situation is very, very stupid in my opinion. Your character has fists or weapons. Use them. You're playing a 3D video game not a text-based game on IRC. If anything, the server should implement some RNG for situations like this. Like if you press left click to punch someone the server would then determine the chance of landing a hit and/or doing damage based on various factors like health and specific skills and whatnot. Leaving the outcome of a fight to the players is, again in my opinion, a very bad idea. No one fancies their nose being broken so if given the chance most players would probably prefer to duck. Unfortunately life doesn't work that way. In a real fight you don't have half a minute to decide that you're going to duck to avoid a punch in the face.

Edit: didn't realize this thread is from 2013. Still, nothing much has changed so the statement still stands.

Messages In This Thread
How to Roleplay(For new people) - by BreezyLyve - 19.03.2013, 19:27
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Scenario - 19.03.2013, 19:36
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Blast3r - 19.03.2013, 19:53
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by BreezyLyve - 19.03.2013, 20:07
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Wennicke - 19.03.2013, 20:54
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Vince - 23.08.2017, 15:32
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Paulice - 23.08.2017, 15:35
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by cuber - 23.08.2017, 17:08
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by rt-2 - 29.08.2017, 00:28
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Paulice - 29.08.2017, 02:16

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