[Ajuda] Servidor desligando.

Boa Tarde pessoal.

Estou com o seguinte problema com o meu servidor: desligando sozinho.
Mas hб um porйm, ele sу desliga sozinho quando o FS do Learning (Drive Thru + Fome Sede e Sono), cujo post https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=548602, estб no server.cfg, quando tiro ele de lб, isso para.

Mas estб tudo certinho para rodar o FS, jб estб criado a pasta 'DRIVETHRUFOMESEDE' nos scriptfiles como pedido, estou com os Pacotes do Visual C++ instalados para rodar os plugins, os includes e plugins estгo atualizados, tudo certo.

O problema ocorre quando ele chama a callback do OnPlayerConnect, pois ele sempre cai no 'Connected. Joining the game'. Apуs isso fica uns segundos travado na paisagem da praia, e da Lost Connection, e quando saio do GTA, o servidor nгo estб mais aberto, ele fecha.

Server Log.


SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[16:11:29] Server Plugins
[16:11:29] --------------
[16:11:29]  Loading plugin: sscanf.dll

[16:11:29]  ===============================

[16:11:29]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[16:11:29]          Version:  2.8.1        

[16:11:29]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[16:11:29]  ===============================

[16:11:29]   Loaded.
[16:11:29]  Loading plugin: streamer.dll

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[16:11:29]  Loading plugin: TDE.dll
TDEditor Plugin loaded, thank you for using.

[16:11:29]   Loaded.
[16:11:29]  Loading plugin: iTD.dll
* iTD Plugin loaded. (Support for textdraw editor mouse/keyboard)

[16:11:29]   Loaded.
[16:11:29]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[16:11:29] Filterscripts
[16:11:29] ---------------
[16:11:29]   Loading filterscript 'TDE.amx'...
[16:11:29] ___ __  __
[16:11:29]  | |  \|_  _|.|_ _  _		
[16:11:29]  | |__/|__(_|||_(_)|			
[16:11:29] TDEditor V1.17 by adri1
[16:11:29] TDEditor loaded
[16:11:29]   Loading filterscript 'iTD.amx'...
	iPLEOMAX's TextDraw Editor loaded successfully!
	Version: 1.16 Stable (13/10/2012)

[16:11:29]   Loading filterscript 'trashmaster.amx'...
[16:11:29]   Loading filterscript 'PB2.amx'...
[16:11:29]  Player Progress Bar Creator By: TheMasterNico || Loaded
[16:11:29] --------------------------------------

[16:11:29]   Loading filterscript 'DRIVETHRUFOMESEDE.amx'...
[16:11:29]   Loading filterscript 'FSS.amx'...
[16:11:29] Sistema de DriveThru + Fome, Sede & Sono LIGADO !
[16:11:29] By : Learning
[16:11:29] https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...9.53312375[16:11:29]   Loaded 6 filterscripts.

[16:11:29]  Blank Gamemode by your name here
[16:11:29] ----------------------------------

[16:11:29] Number of vehicle models: 2
Obrigado pela atenзгo.

Messages In This Thread
Servidor desligando. - by Tassi - 21.08.2017, 19:27
Re: Servidor desligando. - by MorteAmerica - 21.08.2017, 20:12
Re: Servidor desligando. - by Tassi - 21.08.2017, 21:08
Re: Servidor desligando. - by Tassi - 21.08.2017, 22:44
Re: Servidor desligando. - by MorteAmerica - 21.08.2017, 23:00
Re: Servidor desligando. - by Tassi - 21.08.2017, 23:33
Re: Servidor desligando. - by Tassi - 21.08.2017, 23:53

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