Would you like to see a SAMP Python tutorial?

I see your point, I still would rather stick with JS if it was developed.

I'm afraid that the tutorial might be actually a waste of time, it might just be a small hub for post farmers temporarily until it sinks into history.

samphp, samp.js, samp shoebill, samp.NET
were all attempts to port the code, many of them the development discontinued.

I'm personally, although I support a lot js, would be afraid to port any of my code into it or any other language simply because I'm afraid that one day I'd have to face that the plugin doesn't work anymore and support for it doesn't exist.
(On the bright side, SAMP gets updates every few years, so it would take some time)

Besides that, many people have huge chunks of code already written in PAWN, rewriting it into other programming language is time consuming, and from the same reason people don't move on from Java, unless anyone is enthusiastic about Python or has spare time, people won't bother to rewrite logic and switch it into a new, simpler one.

One thing that you can do, is re-release the modified plugin and see if it gains support / (stars/forks) on github.

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