Restriction wont work

For action on offline players, don`t use variables, check player, if is online, use variables, but player is not connected, you need update player warns to data base.

example: "UPDATE `users` SET Warns = Warns - 1 WHERE PlayerName = '%e' AND Warns > 0 LIMIT 1"

And after execute query, Will be called function with mysql_tquery, for check rows affected, if 0 rows affected, return message for admin: "Player don`t exist or not have warns".

Messages In This Thread
Restriction wont work - by StR_MaRy - 13.02.2017, 01:08
Re: Restriction wont work - by MiiSha - 13.02.2017, 01:40
Re: Restriction wont work - by StR_MaRy - 13.02.2017, 10:33
Re: Restriction wont work - by Scriptery - 19.08.2017, 22:58

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