house sistem

Inside your OnDialogResponse, there doesn't seem to be any code to actually add house or pickups - the first block is the one you want. You only create pickups when the house price changes somehow.

Messages In This Thread
house sistem - by xAlecsu - 17.08.2017, 20:36
Re: house sistem - by JasonRiggs - 17.08.2017, 23:13
Re: house sistem - by xLucy - 18.08.2017, 09:34
Re: house sistem - by Misiur - 18.08.2017, 09:38
Re: house sistem - by Immortal99 - 18.08.2017, 11:41
Re: house sistem - by Misiur - 18.08.2017, 11:46
Re: house sistem - by Immortal99 - 18.08.2017, 11:54
Re: house sistem - by xAlecsu - 19.08.2017, 17:44
Re: house sistem - by TheCman - 19.08.2017, 18:56
Re: house sistem - by xAlecsu - 19.08.2017, 19:56

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