18.08.2017, 12:29
Hi, I've got a few suggestions:
Search / Replace:
- tabulation is wrong: in CTRL+H (Search and replace) before reaching the second TextBox the user has to tab through all the buttons, forcing him to use the mouse (add TabIndex to your controls in your XAML file or rearrange them in a proper way).
- there is no support for F3 / SHIFT+F3 (find next and find previous) [important]
- the search shouldn't start from the beginning of the file but from the cursor position
- change the "End of document reached" with the flashing of the window (like in Notepad++) or a system sound
Project Explorer:
- if I start typing the name of a file, it should search for that file (like in Windows Explorer), instead, it just jumps to the first file whose name starts with the last typed character.
- it should hide ExtremeStudio configuration files (configs/, extremeStudio.config)
- use a TreeView instead of the ListView in the Project Explorer, or at least let the user choose what to use
- if a file name is too long, it should truncate it instead of going to a new line (which is displayed awfully)
- multiselection
- add confirm before deleting (with keyboard Y/N support of course)
- remove "Do you want to save all files?" which is prompt every time. It slows down the user
- add a shortcut to Build (e.g. F6)
- add "Run" which automatically builds, then starts samp-server.exe if found and compilation was successful. (or let the user configure the executable name in the options) and add a shortcut to it (e.g. F5)
Text editor:
- CTRL + Click goes to the definition of the var/constant/function you clicked, but usually it's F12 which does that, while CTRL + Click selects the whole word.
- add CTRL+X to cut the whole line like in Visual Studio (really useful)
- add syntax coloring for tags (Float:, Text:, Anything:, .....)
- syntax coloring is missing for: const, default
Other suggestions:
- Better icon (maybe with a Pawn icon inside it)
- Add a default dark theme and a default light theme (without forcing the user to change all the syntax coloring)
Bugs found:
- filterscripts are building to the gamemodes folder
- can't rename a file if it is already open, when you save it, it will still save using the old name, making a duplicate.
- it happened many times, under unknown circumstances, that if you click a word it will behave as CTRL+Click
Good job.
Search / Replace:
- tabulation is wrong: in CTRL+H (Search and replace) before reaching the second TextBox the user has to tab through all the buttons, forcing him to use the mouse (add TabIndex to your controls in your XAML file or rearrange them in a proper way).
- there is no support for F3 / SHIFT+F3 (find next and find previous) [important]
- the search shouldn't start from the beginning of the file but from the cursor position
- change the "End of document reached" with the flashing of the window (like in Notepad++) or a system sound
Project Explorer:
- if I start typing the name of a file, it should search for that file (like in Windows Explorer), instead, it just jumps to the first file whose name starts with the last typed character.
- it should hide ExtremeStudio configuration files (configs/, extremeStudio.config)
- use a TreeView instead of the ListView in the Project Explorer, or at least let the user choose what to use
- if a file name is too long, it should truncate it instead of going to a new line (which is displayed awfully)
- multiselection
- add confirm before deleting (with keyboard Y/N support of course)
- remove "Do you want to save all files?" which is prompt every time. It slows down the user
- add a shortcut to Build (e.g. F6)
- add "Run" which automatically builds, then starts samp-server.exe if found and compilation was successful. (or let the user configure the executable name in the options) and add a shortcut to it (e.g. F5)
Text editor:
- CTRL + Click goes to the definition of the var/constant/function you clicked, but usually it's F12 which does that, while CTRL + Click selects the whole word.
- add CTRL+X to cut the whole line like in Visual Studio (really useful)
- add syntax coloring for tags (Float:, Text:, Anything:, .....)
- syntax coloring is missing for: const, default
Other suggestions:
- Better icon (maybe with a Pawn icon inside it)
- Add a default dark theme and a default light theme (without forcing the user to change all the syntax coloring)
Bugs found:
- filterscripts are building to the gamemodes folder
- can't rename a file if it is already open, when you save it, it will still save using the old name, making a duplicate.
- it happened many times, under unknown circumstances, that if you click a word it will behave as CTRL+Click
Good job.