Dialog Cmd problem


You need to define DIALOG_BANLIST and make it do something in there.

I get what you're trying to do but I think it's not going to work. Here's an ideal way of doing it:

PHP код:
public OnDialogResponse(playeriddialogidresponselistiteminputtext[])
dialogid == DIALOG_BANLIST)
       if (
strlen(inputtext) < 3) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"You specified an invalid account name."); 
query[128], string[128], DBResultresult;
format (querysizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM BANNED Where Name = '%e'"inputtext); 
result db_query(bansquery); 

Et cetera, et cetera. Grab the data and store it in a string and show it if the ban exists.

Messages In This Thread
Dialog Cmd problem - by NitroZeth - 07.08.2017, 07:24
Re: Dialog Cmd problem - by Kane - 07.08.2017, 07:26
Re: Dialog Cmd problem - by BrnX - 07.08.2017, 07:28
Re: Dialog Cmd problem - by NitroZeth - 07.08.2017, 07:30
Re: Dialog Cmd problem - by Kane - 07.08.2017, 07:39
Re: Dialog Cmd problem - by NitroZeth - 07.08.2017, 12:07

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