01.08.2017, 21:02
Thank you! didn't notice it.
Hello, im trying to evade double threads/posts
so im posting in same thread again.
here im trying to create a function that can insert '\n' for every 20 char in string.
Thank you!
Hello, im trying to evade double threads/posts
so im posting in same thread again.
here im trying to create a function that can insert '\n' for every 20 char in string.
PHP код:
static stock AutoReturn(input[])
if(strlen(input) > 20)
new k = strlen(input) / 20;
for(new s = 0; s < k; k++)
strins(input, "\n", 20*k, strlen(input));
return 1;
PHP код:
[debug] Run time error 10: "Native function failed"
[debug] strins
[debug] AMX backtrace:
[debug] #0 00002600 in AutoReturn (input[]=@000060bc "[align=center]Here some in
fo about our server[/align]") at C:\Users\Xeon\Desktop\samp serv\f
[debug] #1 000017c8 in public OnDialogResponse (playerid=0, dialogid=101, respon
se=1, listitem=1, inputtext[]=@00002728 "Server Informations (IP, Hostname)") at
C:\Users\Xeon\Desktop\samp serv\filterscripts\mybb-connector.pwn: