Hosted Tab ToS

Originally Posted by Hansrutger
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Well aren't you a partypooper. Think of which battles you pick carefully before entering them because you had a choice but let me tell you a few things. Breaking a ToS is never ever right thing to do but sometimes, for a the better good of multiple parties, it's an actual good thing to do.

Look at it this way. Let's say that I don't have my own game-mp account and I would need to pay someone else 25 USD (something like that I'm guess?) to put my server on hosted tab. Who benefits? Everyone except for crybabies. Let me break it down even further:
  • Seller of hosted listings gets money - win
  • Game-MP receives money - win
  • Server who is being hosted gets more recognition - win
  • SA-MP community as a whole gets more creators creating things hoping that there is a way to get higher population, not to even mention that this keeps also players who have game-mp accounts to continue selling and making SA-MP indirectly active (not the major factor but still a minor one) - win
Now you decide to go SA-MP forums with this intention of yours to destroy a piece of this big outcome, probably without even acknowledging it in the first place, just to get an ego boost and feel good that you destroy it for a few players, servers or scripters who put a lot of effort in their gamemodes. Now this isn't always the case, that a hosted server will absolutely get players or they will even have scripters who cares about the gamemode, but I'd guess that in some cases there are.

So next time you decide to pick a battle, make sure you get something more than an ego boost out of it, because that won't make SA-MP stay alive for as long as it can.
+REP !

Messages In This Thread
Hosted Tab ToS - by Freedom. - 27.07.2017, 09:45
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Hansrutger - 27.07.2017, 10:15
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Sew_Sumi - 27.07.2017, 10:24
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by R4nd4ll - 27.07.2017, 10:37
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Kane - 27.07.2017, 10:41
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by iLearner - 27.07.2017, 10:54
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Freedom. - 27.07.2017, 11:08
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Hansrutger - 27.07.2017, 11:31
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Sting. - 27.07.2017, 11:47
Freedom. - by Sew_Sumi - 27.07.2017, 12:10
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by wallee - 27.07.2017, 12:38
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Vince - 27.07.2017, 15:41
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Kaperstone - 27.07.2017, 15:44
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Hansrutger - 27.07.2017, 19:36
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Sew_Sumi - 27.07.2017, 22:01
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Paulice - 27.07.2017, 22:04
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Sew_Sumi - 27.07.2017, 23:14
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Paulice - 28.07.2017, 02:16
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by iLearner - 28.07.2017, 08:49
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Paulice - 28.07.2017, 08:51
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by ColonelBurton - 28.07.2017, 08:56
Re: Hosted Tab ToS - by Paulice - 28.07.2017, 09:47

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