17.07.2017, 19:14
First, How is this forwarded like this? Where it is getting the playerid? Delete it you are using global timer not player timer
Second, Show the codes of the command you are using to give money.
Also make sure you have restarted the server correctly (rcon exit) then open and connect to it after you fixed the textdraws so they are created correctly when the player connect.
EDIT: And another flaw, Move the timer to OnGameModeInit
public MoneyUpdater(playerid) { for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { new string[128]; format(string,sizeof(string),"%.2f", Peniaze[i]); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i,TDEditor_PTD[i][1],string); } }
Also make sure you have restarted the server correctly (rcon exit) then open and connect to it after you fixed the textdraws so they are created correctly when the player connect.
EDIT: And another flaw, Move the timer to OnGameModeInit