What happend to Emmet_ ?

Well, Emmet_ Was the god of scripting gamemods for samp.
He disappeared without leaving any leads or without any warns.

Anyone knows what happend to him ? He was a legend.

He disappeared after he released his gamemode [Limitless] and i am one of the lucky people who got it before it gets removed.

So , Does anyone knows what happend to him ? Or when he will get back or how to contact him?

He was SA-MP scripting legend.

Messages In This Thread
What happend to Emmet_ ? - by H4RR1s - 11.07.2017, 16:37
Re: What happend to Emmet_ ? - by Paulice - 11.07.2017, 16:51
Re: What happend to Emmet_ ? - by H4RR1s - 11.07.2017, 19:54
Re: What happend to Emmet_ ? - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 11.07.2017, 20:14
Re: What happend to Emmet_ ? - by XBLM x ToXiiCzZ - 11.07.2017, 20:16
Re: What happend to Emmet_ ? - by Dignity - 11.07.2017, 20:33
Re: What happend to Emmet_ ? - by Sew_Sumi - 11.07.2017, 20:51
Re: What happend to Emmet_ ? - by Shawn_Raws - 11.07.2017, 21:13
Re: What happend to Emmet_ ? - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 11.07.2017, 21:40
Re: What happend to Emmet_ ? - by H4RR1s - 11.07.2017, 22:03

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