can you help me?

Yes it is...

There's a few tutorials about this instance too, so maybe you want to read up on that.

at top of your code, if you've got the zcmd include put
#include <zcmd>
	if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 15.0,-2395.1350,-292.0872,56.583){ //si el jugador no esta en un radio de 15.0 a la puerta no lo dejara usar el comando. (Reemplazar las coordenadas por las coordenadas de nuestra puerta (CERRADA))
	MoveObject(Puerta, -2395.1350,-292.0872,56.5838, 3.0); //mueve nuestra puerta hasta las coordenadas de la puerta abierta. (Reemplazar las coordenadas por las coordenadas de nuestra puerta (ABIERTA))
	return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x28F943FF, "Server: Has abierto la puerta");
	}else return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "ERROR: Debes estar cerca de la puerta para usar este comando");
This is untested, but it should work.

Do the same for the rest, as it's all commands that have no additional parameters, so it's simple.

Messages In This Thread
can you help me? - by nbx2000 - 08.07.2017, 07:57
Re: can you help me? - by Sew_Sumi - 08.07.2017, 08:17
Respuesta: can you help me? - by nbx2000 - 09.07.2017, 06:54
Re: can you help me? - by Bingo - 09.07.2017, 06:59
Re: can you help me? - by Sew_Sumi - 09.07.2017, 07:17

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