[Ajuda] Server Kicking

PHP код:
[12:45:28] [joinArthur_Firmino has joined the server (1:
12:46:46Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[12:47:46] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
12:48:29Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[12:49:03] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
12:49:47Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[13:51:32] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
19:55:29Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[19:58:36] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
20:52:35Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[20:52:54] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
20:53:29Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[21:31:04] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
22:15:14Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[22:16:03] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
22:18:10Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[02:33:51] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
10:15:46Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[10:15:51] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
10:27:01Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[10:27:57] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
10:33:29Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[11:08:48] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
11:59:09Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[12:05:22] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
12:13:35Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[13:14:56] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
13:16:00Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[13:17:07] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
13:45:35Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[13:46:28] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
14:57:57Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[15:12:40] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game.
15:41:02Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[15:41:44] Kicking because they didn'
t logon to the game
Jб tive esse mesmo problema uma vez e nгo recordo como resolvi isso mas lembro que tinham me passado alguns tуpicos e eu olhei eles mas nada adiantou... (Obs: nгo й nada relacionado a Loops pois esse problema й recente e nada que utilize loops foram usados)

Messages In This Thread
Server Kicking - by nasser - 01.07.2017, 18:50
Re: Server Kicking - by IlanZ - 01.07.2017, 19:21

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