PlayerName question

So i am trying to make a playername as a string using dini. this is the code i am trying to make but there is nothing wrote in the .txt file

new name[128];
    new string[128];
    GetPlayerName(TopKills1, name, sizeof(name));
	format(str, 256,"{63380A}Triads{FFFFFF}-{808000}LSV{FFFFFF}-{008000}Grove{FFFFFF}, Best Killer: [{63380A}%s{FFFFFF}] || Kills: [{63380A}%d{FFFFFF}]",name, PlayerInfo[TopKills1][pWarKills]);
	   	dini_Set("scriptfiles/war/TopKills1.txt", "%s", name);

Messages In This Thread
PlayerName question - by AlexuTzVs - 29.06.2017, 00:09
Re: PlayerName question - by NoahF - 29.06.2017, 02:30
Re: PlayerName question - by AlexuTzVs - 29.06.2017, 12:01
Re: PlayerName question - by AlexuTzVs - 30.06.2017, 00:05
Re: PlayerName question - by JasonRiggs - 30.06.2017, 11:43

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