erros with strcat..?

Hey guys, i've been trying to compile this test script (not written by me)
if(playertextid == TDEditor_PTD[playerid][20])
    	new pDialog[512];
		strcat(pDialog, ""COL_WHITE"Hi, and welcome to my "COL_RED"super duper awesome "COL_WHITE"server!\n", sizeof(pDialog));
		strcat(pDialog, ""COL_WHITE"Here are some "COL_RED"rules "COL_WHITE"that you should respect:\n", sizeof(pDialog));
		strcat(pDialog, ""COL_GREEN"1. "COL_WHITE"You are not allowed to spam.\n", sizeof(pDialog));
		strcat(pDialog, ""COL_GREEN"2. "COL_WHITE"You are not allowed to advertise.\n", sizeof(pDialog));
		strcat(pDialog, ""COL_GREEN"3. "COL_WHITE"You are not allowed to cheat/hack.\n", sizeof(pDialog));
		strcat(pDialog, ""COL_GREEN"4. "COL_WHITE"You are not allowed to spawnkill.\n", sizeof(pDialog));
		strcat(pDialog, ""COL_GREEN"5. "COL_WHITE"You are not allowed to insult others.\n", sizeof(pDialog));
		strcat(pDialog, ""COL_GREEN"6. "COL_WHITE"You are not allowed to beg for admin.\n", sizeof(pDialog));
		strcat(pDialog, ""COL_WHITE"There are special rules for "COL_GREEN"VIPs"COL_WHITE"! Please check\n", sizeof(pDialog));
		strcat(pDialog, ""COL_GREEN"/yaddayaddayadda "COL_WHITE"for more information!", sizeof(pDialog));
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_HELP, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_BLUE"My Super Rules", pDialog, "OK", "Cancel");
and those are the erros am getting:
C:\Users\socky\Desktop\NZGaming\gamemodes\NZG.pwn(1632) : error 001: expected token: "-string end-", but found "-identifier-"
C:\Users\socky\Desktop\NZGaming\gamemodes\NZG.pwn(1632) : error 001: expected token: "-string end-", but found "-identifier-"
C:\Users\socky\Desktop\NZGaming\gamemodes\NZG.pwn(1632) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\socky\Desktop\NZGaming\gamemodes\NZG.pwn(1632) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-"
C:\Users\socky\Desktop\NZGaming\gamemodes\NZG.pwn(1632) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

4 Errors.
this is lin e 1632:
strcat(pDialog, ""COL_WHITE"Hi, and welcome to my "COL_RED"super duper awesome "COL_WHITE"server!\n", sizeof(pDialog));
can anyone please explain this to me? thanks in advance!

Messages In This Thread
erros with strcat..? - by MrCesar - 28.06.2017, 09:20
Re: erros with strcat..? - by Eoussama - 28.06.2017, 09:44
Re: erros with strcat..? - by Threshold - 28.06.2017, 10:01
Re: erros with strcat..? - by MrCesar - 28.06.2017, 10:16

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