Pawno crash

I downloaded this script, GTA RLRP - Berky Brada's 2012 RP server, felt somewhat homesick since it was the first server I ever actually joined on SAMP and was in love with the script. Despite it's "simplicity" compared to other scripts being used right now.
Anyway, let's get into the problem.

This script wasn't all in one piece when I downloaded it. It had a
pawn Код:
#include <server_defines>
#include <server_forwards>
You might have an idea what I am talking about now. It used to crash almost instantly as soon as I press that F5.

I managed to get all forwards/some missing functions/most defines (I believe?) in one place. It takes a solid 15-20 seconds before it shows that crash message.

I'd like to know if you guys got any clue how to prevent pawno from crashing and display it's errors? Or if any code analyzer programs for pawn you know of?
I tried using Notepad++ with pawn but same results, crashes.

Messages In This Thread
Pawno crash - by MattTucker - 25.06.2017, 12:42
Re: Pawno crash - by JasonRiggs - 25.06.2017, 14:25
Re: Pawno crash - by Sew_Sumi - 25.06.2017, 15:09
Re: Pawno crash - by OneDay - 25.06.2017, 17:48
Re: Pawno crash - by MattTucker - 25.06.2017, 19:30

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