[Map] Glen Park small Fire House

Those SA-MP wall objects really shouldn't be used for anything except interiors. They are too plain and lack any sort of depth perception to be used for exteriors. It isn't even obvious that there are two garages from the viewpoint in the first screen.

Messages In This Thread
Glen Park small Fire House - by CountryTrooper441 - 23.06.2017, 20:51
Re: Glen Park small Fire House - by Vince - 23.06.2017, 21:14
Re: Glen Park small Fire House - by CountryTrooper441 - 23.06.2017, 21:19
Re: Glen Park small Fire House - by Astralis - 26.06.2017, 18:24
Re: Glen Park small Fire House - by BadScripter - 28.06.2017, 12:31
Re: Glen Park small Fire House - by CountryTrooper441 - 28.06.2017, 17:13

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