help me problem : Player3DTextLabel

You are trying to attach a player 3D Text Label to a Player.
This is not possible, since Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer is for global 3D Text Labels.

Even if it would work, it makes no sense to attach a Player 3D Text Label to the Player it is created for, because Players don't see labels attached to them and Player Text Labels can only be seen by the Player it is created for.
Create a Global Text Label and attach it. But like I said, it will only be visible to others.

Or use the attachedplayer argument in CreatePlayer3DTextLabel for attaching. It is useless though if you attach it to the same player.

CreatePlayer3DTextLabel(playerid, text[], color, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:DrawDistance, attachedplayer=INVALID_PLAYER_ID, attachedvehicle=INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, testLOS=0)

Messages In This Thread
help me problem : Player3DTextLabel - by wilking - 23.06.2017, 19:27
Re: help me problem : Player3DTextLabel - by HoussemGaming - 23.06.2017, 19:41
Re: help me problem : Player3DTextLabel - by wilking - 23.06.2017, 19:47
Re: help me problem : Player3DTextLabel - by crukk11 - 23.06.2017, 19:51
Re: help me problem : Player3DTextLabel - by wilking - 23.06.2017, 19:59
Re: help me problem : Player3DTextLabel - by NaS - 23.06.2017, 20:28
Re: help me problem : Player3DTextLabel - by wilking - 24.06.2017, 11:40
Re: help me problem : Player3DTextLabel - by JasonRiggs - 24.06.2017, 12:31
Re: help me problem : Player3DTextLabel - by wilking - 24.06.2017, 13:12
Re: help me problem : Player3DTextLabel - by NaS - 24.06.2017, 14:32

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