22.06.2017, 10:34
Hello there everybody, hope Y'all having a good day
so I faced this problem while trying to hook OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw
I get this error each time no matter what I try to do
I ******d this several times, and I found ou that this problem occurs when you have a symbol more than 31 characters. This is the limit and you can't really exceed it
so is there any way I can bypass this?
I tried using y_hooks but I got the same error
Thanks in advance
so I faced this problem while trying to hook OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw
PHP код:
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw
#undef OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw
#define _ALS_OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw
forward Hk_OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw(playerid, playertextid);
public OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw(playerid, PlayerText:playertextid){
****** etc***
CallLocalFunction("Hk_OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw", "id", playerid, _:playertextid);
return 1;
warning 200: symbol "_ALS_OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDra" is truncated to 31 characters
_ALS_OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw has 32 characters, the problem is from it
I tried using y_hooks but I got the same error
Thanks in advance