Server rip off

Our scripter take the script off from the server and maked a new. He is not allowed to use our server name (Rocks). He also deleted our Userinis and all serverfiles. He also take over our Forum But he is not allowed to use userinis or name etc.. I'm telling to you because we need help of this. Maybe we must send a messages to somewhere so the block the forum and the server.

We callling for your help because we have no idea what to do.

Messages In This Thread
Server rip off - by Only - 03.09.2009, 20:25
Re: Server rip off - by Jese - 03.09.2009, 20:30
Re: Server rip off - by weedarr - 03.09.2009, 20:30
Re: Server rip off - by kaisersouse - 03.09.2009, 20:35

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