When the vehicle is destroyed Mission ends


I'm currently making a mission for ambulance where the crew load up supplies into it before taking it back to base.

However, I don't know how to get it so if the ambulance is destroyed (and the players survive) the mission ends and checkpoints are removed.

I've had a look at the OnVehicleDeath function but I don't want it to end everytime an ambulance is destroyed, only when it has been loaded up.


Messages In This Thread
When the vehicle is destroyed Mission ends - by cloudysky - 12.06.2017, 15:44
Re: When the vehicle is destroyed Mission ends - by FailerZ - 12.06.2017, 15:58
Re: When the vehicle is destroyed Mission ends - by Vince - 12.06.2017, 16:08
Re: When the vehicle is destroyed Mission ends - by cloudysky - 12.06.2017, 16:49

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