Textdraw problem

ENG: You have to make the textdraws in both (4:3, 16:9 maybe even 5:4) resolutions. Under the public where your textdraws appear check the player's aspect ration with GetPlayerCameraAspectRatio. If its 4:3, show the 4:3 textdraws. If 16:9, show the 16:9 textdraws. no other way i think..

HUN: meg kell csinбlnod a textdrawokat minden kйpernyőmйretre (4:3, 5:4, 16:9). A public alatt, ami alatt meg akarod jeleniteni a textdrawokat, ellenőrizd a jбtйkos kйpernyőmйretйr a GetPlayerCameraAspectRatio-val. Ha 4:3, akkor a 4:3-as texdrawokat mutasd. Ha 16:9, akkor a 16:9-eseket. asszem erre mбs mуd nincs. (jу magyart lбtni itt )

Messages In This Thread
Textdraw problem - by Develerux - 07.06.2017, 16:16
Re: Textdraw problem - by Develerux - 07.06.2017, 17:41
Re: Textdraw problem - by Develerux - 08.06.2017, 09:10
Re: Textdraw problem - by Develerux - 08.06.2017, 14:42
Re: Textdraw problem - by Develerux - 08.06.2017, 20:34
Re: Textdraw problem - by Develerux - 09.06.2017, 13:39
Re: Textdraw problem - by silverms - 09.06.2017, 17:18
Re: Textdraw problem - by bencesz - 11.06.2017, 00:52

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