Skin change (dialogs)


if(strval(inputtext) < 0 || strval(inputtext) > 311)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialog_ruhabolt, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{FFFFFF}Binco ruhabolt", "{FFFFFF}Rossz ruha ID.\nPrуbбlj egy mбsikat:","Megvesz","Mйgsem");
// in eng.: "invalid skin ID, try another"

This is your problem, you just show another dialog and do nothing else. The rest of the code past it is still called, add a return beneath it so it ceases further code execution.

pawn Код:
return 0;

Messages In This Thread
Skin change (dialogs) - by bencesz - 06.06.2017, 22:40
Re: Skin change (dialogs) - by Toroi - 06.06.2017, 23:12
Re: Skin change (dialogs) - by Abagail - 07.06.2017, 13:44
Re: Skin change (dialogs) - by bencesz - 08.06.2017, 20:05

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